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What Are The Differences Between THC, THCA, And THCV?


The cannabis debate is one of the oldest debates that we have. There is a group of people who believe that cannabis should be legalized, while some are completely opposed to this idea.


However, in recent years, cannabis has been used in the medical field. Its application has yielded some results that have made some radicals to consider their stand against cannabis. A great example would be the medical marijuana that is prescribed to people who are undergoing chemotherapy.


Other than the medical field, the wellness industry is another sector that has witnessed the adaptation of this substance. However, the people in this industry use products that are made out of marijuana. The common compounds are the THC, THCA, and THCV.



What is THC?


THC is an acronym of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. This compound was first isolated from the plant by the scientists in the early 60’s. According to scientists, THC has proven to have an effect on physical activities.  Make sure to learn more here!


When you ingest this compound, it acts as an activator to the VB1 receptors. These receptors are closely associated with the nervous system and the brain. Once the compound kicks in, there is usually an increase in the blood flow to the prefrontal cortex which is the area of the brain that has been associated with the attention span and decision making. In short, the user stays alert and pays attention to details.  Know more about cannabis at


THC has been useful to people who have been dealing with issues like nausea, lack of appetite, and huge amounts of pain.


What is THCA?


This compound which is known as tetrahydrocannabinolic acid is closely related to THC. It is usually produced before THC in the raw cannabis plant. However, THCA has been classified as non-intoxicant since the molecular structure makes it impossible for it to react with the CB1 receptors. It has all the effects that can be found in the THCA without getting someone high.


What is THCV?


Its chemical term is the tetrahydrocannabivarin. This compound is rare and is still under study. Some scientists believe that when ingested in high doses, it may act as THC, but may have the opposite effects when it is taken in small dosages.


This compound has been found to be used as an appetite suppressant, can be used to regulate blood sugar to people who have diabetes, and can be used to handle cases of anxiety. You can get more info about these compounds here. Be sure to learn more here!

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